Merrill High School Receives Award

The Senior class at Merrill High School was awarded $200 for their participation in the "MyVote MyChoice" program sponsored by LWVNOW on Monday, May 7th.  The goal of "MyVote MyChoice" (modelled after LWV Milwaukee County's program) is to provide all 18-year-old high school students and students who would be 18 before the next election with the opportunity to register to vote and to equip them with some of the knowledge needed in becoming informed citizens. 

League members met with the entire senior class more than once. Voter education was provided and students wrote many excellent voting slogans.  Students were assisted while registering online at MyVoteWisconsin. Students were also assisted when they needed to complete a paper registration form. Many students completed the online registration on their own between visits.  Thank you to Katy Holz and Alexandra Libby for their efforts coordinating the program.

The award will be used for a class picnic.