Mappiing Experts' Report in Clarke v WEC Released

Wisconsin Fair Maps Coalition statement, 2/2/24:
Today is a new day in Wisconsin. Since 2011, Wisconsinites have suffered under some of the most gerrymandered voting district maps in the country. The result: voters have not been fairly represented in the Wisconsin State Legislature. The issues they care about and the needs their communities face have not been addressed.That is about to change.

The expert report released on Thursday in Clarke v. Wisconsin Election Commission by Drs. Grofman and Cervas is crystal clear in its assessment of the maps submitted to the Court. The Republican Legislatures’ and Johnson (WILL) Intervenors’ maps would perpetuate the 2011 and 2022 gerrymanders. The plans submitted by the Clarke Petitioners, Wright Intervenors, Senate Democratic Intervenors, and Governor Evers would “create a competitive environment such that most of the time, the party that wins the most votes will win the most seats. These plans reflect the political competitiveness of the state.”

That’s exactly what the Wisconsin Fair Maps Coalition has been working to achieve - fair voting maps that reflect the will of the people.

As Stafford Rosenbaum Attorney Doug Poland stated, “Once the maps are fixed and a new, representative Legislature is seated, we will have an opportunity for our state to return to the functional, representative democracy that it once was…”   This must include ensuring that any future maps are not the type of blatant gerrymander that has distorted Wisconsin politics over the past 13 years. Passing nonpartisan redistricting reform legislation will be the Wisconsin Fair Maps Coalition’s top priority.

The Fair Maps Coalition is grateful for the relentless activism of countless volunteers statewide who have worked tirelessly to achieve fair maps in Wisconsin. We are closer than ever to our goal. We are excited about what this report makes clear and anticipate the final decision of the Court.